"It's a beautiful thing, the destruction of words."

Freedom of thought.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

First Post

So, it's time for the requisite first post.  First, a little information about this blog and myself.  I'm new to blogging, so to any of you who follow, please bear with me.

This blog is a result of my intent to express my opinions and thoughts on current political topics.  I graduated with a degree in political science, but I'm not currently working anywhere near my field of research.  That, combined with concern about the direction of our country, led me to seek blogging as an outlet.

The title, as may be guessed, comes from George Orwell's 1984.  In the book, Newspeak is basically English with a greatly reduced and simplified vocabulary and grammar.  Its intent was to control and suppress freedom of expression, creativity, and free-thinking in general, by eliminating words, phrases, or constructs which could describe the ideas of freedom or rebellion.  It thus served as a form of mind control for the totalitarian regime in the book.  So why did I choose it?  Well, because it sounds cool, but more importantly, because this blog (and blogging in general) is the antithesis of Newspeak.  I aim to point out where our own or foreign governments, media, or other outlets are suppressing freedom, liberty, and yes, even trying to control how we think and shape our worldview.

In case you're wondering, I'm conservative and liberal (in the classic sense).  I try to see our country in terms of how our Founders envisioned it, which I suppose puts me closer to a libertarian than anything else.  But even modern libertarians have their own problems.  I tend to be long-winded and occasionally go on rants, but I also try to give credit where it's due.  I encourage comments, suggestions, and opinions, but please be polite and respectful.

So, on we go!

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